Help Run The Station

Radio Lonsdale is run by a committee of up to 13 people. The committee meets at least once a month, and is responsible for everything that Radio Lonsdale does (or wants to do!).

The positions on the committee are filled by election during the Annual General Meeting. Once elected, a person generally remains in their role for one year. If we have any vacant positions elections can be held at the regular members meetings as well.

Any member of Radio Lonsdale may stand for election; it is great fun, and you don’t need to have any prior experience. We’ll just ask that you are able to attend at least the monthly meetings, and that you’re keen and interested in the success of the station.

The Positions

Station Manager
The boss! Responsible for the day-to-day running of Radio Lonsdale, and the point of contact for the Hospital or any other external organisations we deal with. Chairs our meetings and keeps us in line.

Assistant Station Manager
It’s all about the members – responsible for managing our membership and any internal communication. Looks after the admin, takes the minutes and runs our elections.

Chief Engineer
If it involves cables, wires, electricity or audio then it’s the Chief Engineer’s. Looks after the technical equipment and keeps us broadcasting. Handy with a soldering iron, and good at spending money.

Manages the Radio Lonsdale finances, from counting up the coins after a fundraiser to submitting our accounts to the charity commission. Chief holder of the cheque book.

Programme Controller
Responsible for our on-air output. Point of contact for our DJs, and manages decisions around scheduling and station sound. Very keen on show preparation and broadcast skills!

Head of Public Relations
In charge of publicising the radio station both inside and outside the hospital, to encourage new members to join and to expand our listenership. Good with media, be that print, digital or other.

Social Secretary
Tasked with enforcing fun! Solely responsible for organising events which encourage Radio Lonsdale members to meet and have a good time. Karting, bowling, pub quizzes – the possibilities are endless.

Committee Member (x6)
No fixed responsibilities, but keen to be involved in the running of the station. May take on specific roles as required to fit projects and events. Basically an extra pair of hands. Well, 6 pairs.